Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009Woot. Finally out after a long 3 weeks.. And it looks like i missed out many things :(
MJ-ed at Jan's house at night. Was losing all the way but i finally got a 13 yao during the last last round which helped me cover back my losses. The feeling is shiok although still lose quite abit money. Lol.
Truely a day worth remembering.. My 1st 13 yao. And i hope the many more to come. Lol.
9 months++ to go !!
12:08 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009Went Suntec today for the WCG event thats going on. Reminds me of those days when i so wanted to join a Dota team as well and play in the competitions. But now i think my skills can hardly make it already.. Damn. Lol. Well, Maybe there will be a chance after i ORD.
Headed down to Town after that to meet Ugly, Jearlene and Kevin to go clubbing at Phuture. No doubt im a sua ku. First time to actually really experience the feeling of clubbing despite going to Taiwan clubs, MS and MOS before. Well the feeling was just totally different getting to drink and actually have a go at dancing with friends. It was alot more fun. Haha. But damn i wish im 23 now already so that i can go to Butters.. Or maybe just look a little bit more chao lao. Ugly said the music there is alot better and i soo wanna go and have a look also :(
ROARS. After this week will be 3 weeks confinement. Fuck its actually even longer then the Tekong confinement. F this shit.
44 more weeks to go !
12:49 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009WOOHOO ! Passed my TP like FINALLY after such a long time. Was kinda doubtful about passing it at first due to the unfortunate event that happened and i didn't practice enough. But it turned out ok in the end. I guess my 师母 was kinda blessing me from above in a way.
Thats 1 main NS target accomplished :)
Now i shall consider learning bike if i have the time and money. ROARS !
2:15 PM