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Monday, August 30, 2010

First week of school is officially over. Everything went well I guess. A good start :) First quiz of the semester and I managed to score full marks. Well I just have to keep that up and hope lady luck will continue to shine on me as well.

And fuck I am kinda sick now. Down with flu, cough and having a terrible headache. FML. Luckily class is canceled today because the lecturer is sick as well. Whats wrong suddenly. Everyone is falling sick.

CH jioed me to learn korean with her but unfortunately I cant right now :( Damn. Having money trouble sucks to the max. 2011 please come faster so that I can be richer again. And I wanna learn dancing too! Dom, Spen, Cynthia and Hoonie are all interested. 24 hours a day is seriously not enough.

Being single, doesn’t mean to be alone. It means to wait for someone while laughing with others. Smile and be happy :)

3:03 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finally got myself a Macbook Pro lappy! It feels nice to have a laptop for yourself even though its more for school usage. My university life will officially start next week too. Kinda excited and nervous at the same time. Wonder how the 2 years will be like...

And yet another case of being ownt yesterday. I think I have no such luck. Somehow someway things will go wrong. Its always the case of wrong person at the wrong time. And it happens every single time. FML.

6:47 PM

Monday, July 19, 2010

I think I really get distracted too easily. I seem to be able to only concentrate and focus on my goals temporarily for awhile but gradually I will lose that tempo and go back to the slacking and fuck it attitude.

I know I decided that I will be studying in SIT but honestly I am kinda disappointed in myself. Afterall this bridging course is more like a course to prepare and to test myself after slacking for so long. I didn't really expect that after the decision to go SIT, My attitude difference would be so great, Even failing my economics test.

So much for finding back myself. I am still in the same old fucking place.

I think I need to get a planner so that I can plan for every single thing in advance from now on.

Damnit. I really need to do something for myself for once. Come on focus focus focus.

2:35 AM

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I am getting sick of this part time school shit. Can't really find a suitable job that wants me because they want someone who can give in their 100%... But for now, I honestly can't give in my 100% to work because of my exams in August. And then for part time schooling.. I guess I can't really join any clubs or CCAs because of the totally different time slots. I always wanted my University life to be more fulfilling unlike Poly days and I really wanted to experience the feeling of being inside a club or CCA and enjoying it with friends. Damn.

Caught in between 3 choices now.. Change to a similar full time course in SIM ? Go to SIT which will be starting in August ? Or continue on in Manchester.

Staying in SIM will definitely be a preferred choice.. But for the other similar full time business course by Birmingham.. The university itself isn't ranked as high as Manchester.. Although the grades to enter are the same which means that theres gotta be a certain standard still.... Fuck I can't seem to decide what to do. FML.

5:18 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

School started 2 weeks ago. Marketing and Economics has been ok so far.. With maybe some slight issues with Economics.

Lately I have been thinking about so much stuffs. Theres so much things I want to do and say.. But I just cant. Hopefully this time round things will be different.. But well from the looks of things and at this rate.. I seriously doubt so.

Some of my girl friends like to ask me:"Why do guys always like to play with girls feelings or hurt them?"

That fucking happens only because the majority of girls like to love the "wrong" guys. They ignore/take advantage/push away those that will never ever hurt them but instead will pamper them and truthfully be faithful to them, And they choose the guys that would end up hurting them and breaking their hearts instead. But well, Such emotional issues are complicated and uncontrollable.

But still, FTL.

And FML too.

4:47 PM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

我感动天.. 感动地... 怎么感动不了你..?

This mixture of feelings is making me so confused. Damn i hate this feeling.

Cannot take it.

9:43 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Submitted my application for the University of Manchester at SIM. Hopefully i can get in. Bless me please. I'm so gonna work my ass off for this degree if i get in.

3:27 PM


Nelson Chen
16 May 1988

Goals and Targets

New Computer
Qwerty Handphone
Getting into University
DSLR Camera
Getting a dog
My own car


Chua Qiu Hui
May Yeo
Janice Wu
Ong Ying Wen
Jeslin Tan
Vanessa Chng
Guo Jin Jie


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010

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